Happy New Year 2024!

As we all know, the New Year period is a good time to look forward toward the new, in setting goals and positive resolutions.  

As we transition into 2024, the thousands-years-old Taoist energy calendar tells us that we are entering a new 20-year cycle characterized by peak type energies and circumstances.  This will mean both more optimism, visionary insights, inspiration and mental clarity on the one hand, but also high levels of stress, depression, emotional excesses and confusion on the negative side.

In this context, it is even more appropriate for each of us to reflect on our life purpose and direction. We will be strengthening our positive root and intent in order to extend our sails for a smooth, flexible journey across this changeable new cycle. Further details will be coming up in the next few weeks.

Life purpose practice

A simple reflection practice is to ask ourselves daily: “What is the purpose of my life?”

Let your heart / mind respond, and then breathe deeply to let your response go. Repeat this process a few times and record your heart / mind expressions in a journal. Later you may quietly consult your journal for further reflection.

Repeat this practice daily for one, two, or three weeks.  The goal of the practice is not an intellectual exercise: it is to help you reach the heart of your purpose; no fancy thoughts or mental elaboration are needed, just let your heart speak. 


Best wishes for a healthy, happy and productive new cycle!