
The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice

A new cycle begins
With the Solstice we’ve reached the low ebb and so it is the turning point where the Yang energy is returning and our inner flame can find resonance with the slowly strengthening light and warmth. Beside good sleep,

Immunity II – Lifestyle

Immunity II – Lifestyle

Activities, attitude & lifestyle to support strong natural immunity:
Balance activity & rest
. Overworking physically or mentally or depriving yourself of restorative sleep will surely weaken you and make you more susceptible to infection. On the other hand, being sedentary has been compared to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for its negative impact on your health. Regular physical exercise of 30 minutes or more / day of moderate intensity

Immunity I – holistic principles

Immunity I – holistic principles

Welcome to my immunity blog.  In this first section we will go through general principles of immunity according to the holistic energy medicine of ancient China. In future blogs you will discover more detailed dietary advice, demonstrations of self-massage on acu-points and more Qigong practice that can be practiced outside or inside, especially if you might have to spend “sheltered in place” or in various levels of confinement.